Hi there! Here are some suggestions for readings related to crowdsourcing behavior change, specifically planning.
PlanSourcing: Generating Behavior Change Plans with Friends and Crowds E Agapie, L Colusso, S Munson, G Hsieh https://faculty.washington.edu/garyhs/docs/agapie-cscw2016-plansourcing.pdf
For a more in depth reading following up on this work, read Crowdsourcing Exercise Plans Aligned with Expert Guidelines and Everyday Constraints E Agapie, B Chinh, L Pina, D Oviedo, M Welsh, G Hsieh, S Munson http://eagapie.com/pubs/chi2018_exerciseplans.pdf
For understanding background on action planning. behavior change literature often refers to in relation to action plans, also called “if-then plans:”
Long version: Implementation Intentions: Strong Effects of Simple Plans. Gollwitzer, Peter M. American psychologist 54.7 (1999): 493. http://kops.uni-konstanz.de/bitstream/handle/123456789/10101/99Goll_ImpInt.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
Short version: Implementation Intentions. http://www.psych.nyu.edu/gollwitzer/Implementation%20Intentions.pdf